
Tips for Rainy Wedding Day Photos!

We’ve all heard the Alanis Morissette song… “It’s like raaaaiiiin, on your wedding day…” and every bride straps on their positive thinking helmet and prays that it won’t happen to them. But then for some (like any brides across South East Queensland this weekend) the day arrives, and the rain falls… Everyone around you is telling you not to worry, that it’s good luck and maybe it will clear off before 3pm, and sometimes it does! Sometimes the sun comes out in all of it’s glory, creates amazing rainbows and the raindrops sparkle through the trees in the sunlight and everything is perfect and goes exactly to plan… but if it doesn’t, I’m here to show you why that could actually be the coolest thing ever and give you some tips on how to take advantage of it! Sunshine Coas Wedding Photographer_Emma Nayler_Lyell2Plans might have to be changed, maybe your outdoor ceremony is no longer possible, but one thing you can count on is that if you have hired a great photographer, your photos are still going to be amazing! Whether it’s a few little rain drops or a torrential downpour, if you trust your photographer and you’re willing to get amongst it to get some special shots, it will be 100% worth it! I have a few little tips to help prepare you for what it might be like to deal with this kind of weather and come out the other side with some awesome rainy wedding day photos!Sunshine Coast Wedding Photographer_Roon 4The first tip is all about functional props! Umbrellas! Clear ones or white ones especially as they will let all the available light through onto your faces! I carry some with me to every wedding but if your day is meant to be rainy, it doesn’t hurt to stock up on a few yourself, so you can have matching ones for the bridal party in colours that you like. Your guests might use them if you don’t, so they won’t go to waste. Gumboots are also a good idea, because if you are anything like me, once your feet are wet and cold, it’s a lot harder to warm back up!Emma Nayler Sunshine Coast Wedding Photographer_Reeve_0279Sunshine Coas Wedding Photographer_Emma Nayler_Lyell4Emma Nayler Sunshine Coast Wedding Photographer_Reeve_0278My next tip is the most important one! BE BRAVE! If you want photos like any of the ones featured in this post, you will have to get a bit wet. Your dress will get a bit wet, your hair and makeup might not stay quite as perfect as it would if you stayed inside, and the groom’s suit will definitely cop a bit of a watering because lord knows the bride’s dryness becomes the priority when there is one umbrella to share!!! Sunshine Coast Wedding Photographer_Emma Nayler_ Beckey2Keep calm and keep smiling! Even the most hardcore umbrellas can’t cope with some conditions – but if you can laugh off like these guys did, you are my kinda people! Try and stay positive, rain doesn’t ruin wedding photos, but the wrong attitude certainly can!Sunshine Coast Wedding Photographer_Emma Nayler_ Beckey1Sunshine Coast Wedding Photographer_Emma Nayler_J&S1Always snuggle for warmth, and pose it up hardcore while you are out in the rain! I only need a couple of minutes to get the shots I need, but if you spend that time grimacing at the raindrops or just looking as uncomfortable as you might feel, then those precious cold, wet minutes will be wasted! So get smooching!Sunshine Coast Wedding Photographer Emma Nayler_Sellick 2Throw in a quick dip!Wheatley_028It’s always a good idea for the girls to have jackets/raincoats to keep warm in between shots. Goosebumps and shivering brides who are freezing out in the rain do not for good photos make! Sunshine Coast Wedding Photographer_Emma Nayler _KauriBarry65Sunshine Coast Wedding Photographer_Emma Nayler_J&S2But most of all, remember why this day is happening… in the end you will be married to the one you love, and spending the night celebrating with your closest friends and family – and I will have captured some pretty amazing rainy wedding day photos for you to remember every drizzly minute!Sunshine Coast Wedding Photographer_Roon 3

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